
Gallery -- Page 1

A collection of photos taken by Youssef during his career in journalism. Some of these images depict the aftermath of war, famine and massacres and may be upsetting.

There are several pages of photos -- see also Page 2, Page 3 and Key Figures.


Somalia: militia posing with land mines


Somalia: child soldiers


Somalia: a child learns to write on wafers of tree bark


Djibouti: inland salt flats


Nuba, Sudan: women carrying live shells to the battlefront


Before: Youssef photographed this church intact in central Mogadishu, Somalia...


After: Youssef returned to this site two months later, after the church had been bombed


Eritrea: the aftermath of a massacre. 55 people were killed in an Ethiopian air raid

There are several pages of photos -- see also Page 2, Page 3 and Key Figures.

Images on these pages are Copyright Youssef Khazem 1987--2006. All rights reserved. If you would like permission to use some of these images, please contact Youssef with details of how the images will be used.

Copyright 2012 Youssef Khazem. About this site