
Gallery -- Key Figures

A collection of photos taken by Youssef during his career in journalism. This page shows presidents, heads of state and other key figures.

There are several pages of photos -- see also Page 1, Page 2 and Page 3.


From right to left: Somali warlords Mohammed Said Hersi "Morgan", the late Mohammed Farah Aidid (of Black Hawk Down fame, later made into a book and film), Youssef Khazem, Ali Mohammed Elewa and Abdi Warsameh Isaaq.

john garang

With the late Sudanese Vice President and SPLA Chairman, John Garang

yoweri museveni

Interviewing Ugandan President Youweri Museveni

Isaias Afewerki

After independence with Isias Afewerki, the first President of Eritrea

riek machar

With Riek Machar, the first Vice-President of the independent Republic of South Sudan

Meles Zenawi

With the late Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi

Hassan Gouled Aptidon

With the late Hassan Gouled Aptidon, the first President of Djibouti

Omar Hassan al-Bashir

With President of the Republic of Sudan, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, a week after his coup d'etat in 1989 -- this was al-Bashir's first interview with the Arab press following the coup

Interviewing Sudanese Former Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi

Interviewing Sudanese Former Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi

Hassan al-Turabi

With religious and Islamist Sudanese political leader Dr. Hassan al-Turabi

Abdiqasim Salad Hassan

With Former Somali President Dr. Abdiquasim Salad Hassan

There are several pages of photos -- see also Page 1, Page 2 and Page 3.

Images on these pages are Copyright Youssef Khazem 1987--2006. All rights reserved. If you would like permission to use some of these images, please contact Youssef with details of how the images will be used.

Copyright 2012 Youssef Khazem. About this site