

Youssef has worked as a journalist for 30 years. During his journalistic career, Youssef interviewed ten Arab and African presidents and heads of state, a UN Secretary General and scores of Arab and African officials and opposition leaders. Some of these people are pictured with Youssef on the Key Figures page of the Gallery. He reported from 15 different countries. Some of his key achievements are:

Youssef has been interviewed and quoted in numerous media organisations including: Al Jazeera, Abu Dhabi TV, BBC Arabic TV and Radio, Kuwait Radio and TV, Radio el Chark, El-Nahar, Radio Monte Carlo, BBC monitoring, BBC World Service Radio, AFP, Reuters and Somali Watch.

Pictures taken by Youssef during his career can be found in the multi-page Gallery.

Links to a few of Youssef's articles:

Interview with Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi

An Al-Jazeera article: الصومال وبوادر عهد جديد

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