
Gallery -- Page 3

A collection of photos taken by Youssef during his career in journalism. Some of these images depict the aftermath of war, famine and massacres and may be upsetting.

There are several pages of photos -- see also Page 1, Page 2 and Key Figures.

djibouti fishing

UNDP programme for assisting fishermen in Djibouti

sudanese refugee children

Youssef with Sudanese refugee children in Kapoeta, Upper Nile State, Southern Sudan

SPLM troops

Youssef with SPLM rebel troops in Nimule, Eastern Equatorial State, Southern Sudan

arms dealer house

The house of French poet and arms dealer Arthur Rimbaud (1854--1891) in Harrar, Eastern Ethiopia.


Eritrean woman grieving in the aftermath of the Massawa air raid, 1990

remains of soldier

Remains of an Ethiopian soldier after the liberation of Massawa in 1990


Ethiopian war prisoners in Eritrea before liberation

ethiopian tanks

Ethiopian tanks left after the decisive battle of Afabet, Northern Eritrea

school under tree

Eritrean children in a school under a tree during the independence war

tuareg woman 1

An Ahaggaren Tuareg woman in the Sahara Desert, Algeria, 1999

tuareg 2

Ahaggaren Tuareg woman playing the Amzad at a wedding, Algeria, 1999


Ahaggaren Tuareg ceremonial Sharwa dancing, Algeria, 1999


Spice sellers inside the ancient Islamic walled city of Harrar, Eastern Ethiopia

There are several pages of photos -- see also Page 1, Page 2 and Key Figures.

Images on these pages are Copyright Youssef Khazem 1987--2006. All rights reserved. If you would like permission to use some of these images, please contact Youssef with details of how the images will be used.

Copyright 2012 Youssef Khazem. About this site